Tower of Fantasy has many everyday tasks that players can perform in order to receive various awards both daily and weekly. Players earn points for their weekly awards, performing various missions that require survivability. An increase in their weekly awards will also give them services to merit to receive combat passes. This is all that players can do for their daily and weekly control lists to get the maximum return from Tower of Fantasy.
daily and weekly publications Tower of Fantasy
Players can receive combat pass awards by completing tasks. weekly Tasks in their adventure menu. Many of these tasks will cost vitality and require the players to join and complete problems or special modes, such as joint operations complete. Looking through the control list of what needs to be done, players should also make sure that they are everyday Tasks too. This includes bounty , Kitchen Mii , Preparation And if the players are in the team, their daily donations . Shop will also always have box with a daily supplies and players can receive their daily bonus for entering whenever the day is dumped at 2 in the morning at the Pacific time .
Related: When are the weekly tests reset to Tower of Fantasy?
The control list for players includes:
Daily * Bounty -Find rewards on the map and perform them for Black Nucleus. Kitchen of MII -used to obtain materials, experience and temporary buffs. vitality *-used to join various modes or tasks. Capes at 180. Preparation -You can do it twice a day to get glasses that can be exchanged in the store. weekly
Weekly missions *-Perform missions to get both merit glasses and weekly awards. Freaks of the abyss -can be performed three times a week to get awards. Collision of borders -can be performed three times a week to get awards.
where to find awards in Tower of Fantasy
Awards can be found on the map by switching to the map and finding purple diamonds . They can appear throughout the map and may demand from players victory over individual or groups of enemies. This rewards black core as well as experience and other materials. Players may also need to give objects to perform the award, and this can be done in the Adventure menu. There will always be four awards every day and will be dropped at 2 in the morning at the Pacific time .
Additional tower of fantasy guides see what to do at all points of research at Tower of Fantasy in professional games.
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